Why is my electric bill so high? How can I lower it?

Why is my electric bill so high? How can I lower it?
If your air conditioner is consuming too much energy, it could indeed be the culprit behind your high electricity bills. Using proper techniques can make a significant difference in your energy consumption. Here are some tips to help you become a smarter consumer:
Set Your Air Conditioner Temperature Between 24-25°C: Lower temperatures consume more energy, leading to higher bills. Setting your air conditioner between 24-25°C is often considered optimal for comfort and cost savings. If it doesn't feel cool enough, check and clean the filter or consider servicing your unit.
Use Dry Mode: High humidity levels in a room can make it feel warmer. Dry mode reduces humidity without heavy energy use, making it more energy-efficient.
Keep Direct Sunlight Out: Direct sunlight can heat up your room, making your air conditioner work harder. Use thick curtains, blinds, or window tinting to minimize sunlight.
Regularly Maintain Your Air Conditioner: Dust and pollutants can clog your air conditioner's filter, forcing it to work harder to cool your room. Clean the filter every 3-4 weeks and schedule regular servicing to prevent leaks and other issues.
If your air conditioner's mechanism is heavily dusty, it's advisable to seek professional help for a thorough cleaning. This ensures your air conditioner operates more efficiently and saves power.
At Optimal Air Conditioning Service, we offer various services to ensure your air conditioner runs optimally.
- Aircon Installation
- General Service
- Aircon Checking
- Aircon Repair
- Chemical Cleaning
- Chemical Overhaul
- Maintenance Contract
- Air Conditioner Gas Refill
Our highly skilled technicians possess extensive experience and expertise in air conditioning. Simply whatsapp or email us to schedule an appointment for your aircon service needs, and we will promptly address your requirements.
Jun 26,2024